"Send money!" they would write.
And although money was very tight and she was raising a family of her own, she would send it. But a few months later, another letter would arrive. Sometimes the stories would get confused. For example, an aunt would die, but next year she’s celebrating Christmas with the family, again. This abusive pattern continued for years. She would write back to them, explaining that she did not have any extra money, but would send what she could. But they would beg for more. Until she finally had enough. The money stopped.
A year went by, then the letters from the old country stopped, too.
Madonna’s situation in Malawi reminded me of my grandmother’s story. This whole adoption denial fuckery really has nothing to do with the welfare of the child.
So, all of a sudden, these local human rights groups care about providing these kids with exposure to Malawi culture? Oh, give me a break. The only culture in Malawi is learning to be poor. Is begging for food culture? How about learning how to cheat, lie and steal what you need to survive? The crooked Malawi judges, lawyers, government officials and lobbyist groups are setting a fine example of how to extort money from anybody who steps foot in their cesspool of a country.
Nope. It’s all about greed.
That’s the number one reason. Extort money from rich celebrities. First a little, then more, then more and finally try to take everything. The back-door dealing would make a person sick. And in the end, its the child who suffers.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Law and Order: Africa" only on Ranting-TV…