Wrong, bitches! He sprang back to life and returned with more energy than ever before. His pain made him better and faster. There was no turning back. Everybody at that moment realized that Rocky was the champ. And Rocky laid a monster beat-down on the poor schmuk that happened to share the ring with the champ. You see, Rocky is a bull, at heart.
Being long equities is kind of the same. There are bulls lying all around you, bears and ass-raping clowns lurking around every corner. It’s become common knowledge that buying stock is reckless. Even the talking heads on TV are toning down their message of buy, buy, buy. Everybody is tired, depressed and has thrown in the towel.
Avoiding the conflict, up to now has been the prudent choice, the right choice and a profitable one. War dodging has never been more advantageous or lucrative.
However, I just don’t see how we can sustain such low levels without some sort of relief. Because you see, the stock market is like a Rocky film, or maybe WWE wrestling. It can’t keep going down forever. That’s never how this movie ends. Right now, the markets are telling policy makers something. And while the American banking system has collapsed on a couple occasions, you can’t count out the American economy.
It will become very clear in the next quarter who the good guys are and who the bad actors are. The AIGs, Citits and others will simply not be part of the movie anymore. They will be not be part of the sequel. Other guys will emerge as champs. It will become very obvious where people should have been investing during this slaughter. The landscape is going to look quite different. All companies are not equal, despite what is happening in the stock market.
And just remember, when there are no more bulls out on the streets for the clowns to abuse, the clowns turn on their masters… the bears. The short covering rally is going to be epic. It’s just in the nature of clowns to ass-rape.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Rocky IX - Stock Market Woes!" only on Ranting-TV…