Unfortunately, I have not been consulted on everything. And when I don’t have the ability to name something, society loses. We all lose.
Nowadays, it seems that it’s the laziest folks who are naming things. Well, not so much naming; stealing existing terms would be more accurate. For example, pirates, toxic assets, and tea parties (ok the last one isn’t so bad), but you get the drift. Piracy means copied software or downloaded music. Toxic assets are bad mortgages on the books of the banks and a tea party is an anti-tax rally.
Unfortunately, these terms still have existing meanings. Um, we still have a little pirate problem on the seas, we haven’t dealt with actual toxic waste and when Sir Heaton J. Watkins III is hosting a tea party you scumbag protestors and your idiot signs are NOT welcome at his estate!
So, be creative… there are a lot of letters in the alphabet. Create some new words… mix a few together and create the next Fugsle children’s toy, K-52 machine gun, or simply hold a Pay-No-Tax party. It’s easy.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Deadly Software-Swapping Killers on the High Seas!" only on Ranting-TV…