Friday, May 8, 2009

Video - Screw Sea-Doos!

Oh my god. I have to have one of these! I just don't know if I can tow it with the Porsche. And at $128,000, it's cheap enough that even nuvo riche jerkoffs can afford one. Up, up and away!

Ok, now run the blooper reel. I'd pay good money to see this clown crash into a fucking tree! Ha ha ha...

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Batteries not Included" only on Ranting-TV…

This Just In - Steak!

Mrs. BTO and myself are off to enjoy the weekend outdoors by eating BBQ steak, drinking fine beer and generally enjoying life. Remember, human beings are outdoor creatures... so spend some time in the sun.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Steak and Beer and Sun, Oh My!" only on Ranting-TV…

Do the Natty-Gas Dance!

If you fucking short-sellers step up to Natty-G, you are going have your ass handed to you big time. Natural Gas is rippin' up and despite a 60% pop in the HNU since my call I think it can go even higher. Enjoy!

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Natty-G Bitch-Slaps Bears!" only on Ranting-TV…

Editorial - All Aboard!

Folks, yesterday you witnessed a rare moment in Johnny's life. After being shaken out of the market, most people would be petrified right now. Not me. The market showed signs of life in the after hours last night, and I waited for weakness in specific financial and retail stocks before reloading: lock, stock and barrel. I scooped them up with great vigor.

Keep this in mind. There are billions and billions of dollars sitting out on the sidelines, waiting for 30% declines to try to re-live the glory days of the past two months. If we get a 10% pullback, that will be a godsend to those folks. Eventually, they won't be able to take it anymore and will pile into the market as we go into summer. This "green shoot" overrides everything else.

That's what I briefly forgot yesterday.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Jenga: Hedge Fund Version" only on Ranting-TV…

From the Morning Desk - Head Fake!

Ah, shit. That bitch Mother-Market faked me out, yesterday. The stress test results that came out have inspired confidence and it looks like financials are to be bought. And the unemployment numbers were not as bad as everybody thought (even though they are still TERRIBLE). I always forget how many folks are underweight financials these days.

Whatever. It's not a big deal. We could have easily sold off this morning. The market is acting exactly like a bull market. The market goes up, up, up and then get hits with a sharp decline over a very short period of time (5%-7%). Then it continues higher.

I'm buying things that are going up, and selling things that are going down. Simple.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Head Fake with Mother Market" only on Ranting-TV…