This just in folks. Today is Valentines Day. I was going to do an entire rant today about how stupid and creepy the whole Mass-Love Day thing is, considering the fact that if EVERYBODY around the world is celebrating the love between two (or more -- Utah, I'm talking to you) people, how CAN it be special? I could rant about the pornstar-acted-creepy Vermont Teddy Bear commercials on CNBC playing every 10 minutes. Or the fact that on Valentines Day you need to become Prince Charming despite the fact that you are clearly a frog.
Thankfully Mrs. BTO feels the same as I do about the nonsense on February 14. We wish each other a "Happy Valentimes" (it's an east coast US thang) and carry on with our day. No stress, no mess.
On the other hand, it's a great way to help stimulate the economy, we need people out there buying stuff. And the religious folk and anti-consumer groups seem hell bend on destroying these holidays. So, I do have to say that, I'm totally in favor of it... regardless of how pointless and annoying it is.
So get out there and BUY those chocolates, bears and flowers. In fact, keep doing it all week. Or all month. If we can fool people to spend like this all day, why not convince them to borrow to spend for longer durations. Let's get this economy moving! Do your part, public! I command you!
This is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… “The Biggest Loser - Cat Edition” only on Ranting-TV…
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