Today, we have broad exposure to various points of view. Religion still plays a part, but science now has a much larger role. The scientific studies that emerge help to shape our views.
But since the 1950’s, something else is shaping our world. Lobbyists and advertising.
That’s right, lobbying and advertisements are shaping our world views. I have zero problems with advertising when it’s used for good. (Buy a new iPod or pair of designer jeans) But when it’s a government billboard telling you that if you are doing 10 mph over the posted speed limit, that you are a disease, I’ve got a problem. Speed kills? Oh really? Fuck you. I don’t want my tax dollars going to fund my own indoctrination.
It’s also common knowledge that drunk drivers behind the wheel of a vehicle are a danger on the roads to other drivers and pedestrians, but lately it’s taken on a more sinister tone. These days, it’s morally evil to drink and drive. It’s become unforgiveable to drink and drive. You can’t make drunk driving jokes at parties. Who’s behind this? MADD of course.
Are there really people out there who don't know that drinking and driving is a terrible idea? Most people are getting sick of their bullshit advertisements, stupid billboards and annoying TV ads. Ok, we get it. 20 years of this stuff is just getting creepy already. MADD doesn't need to exist anymore. Now it’s just a power grab.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "MADD TV - Now with More Fire and Brimstone!" only on Ranting-TV…
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