My passion for the truth, led me to Wikipedia. I read all about Patrick the Saint, how the holiday started and even leprechauns. So what did I learn? That the holiday accomplishes exactly what it was created to do.
It’s a holiday for everybody to celebrate with beer, wear green and watch parades. It’s a time to kick off work early and head down to a local pub with friends. So get down there tonight and enjoy some Irish hospitality!
I should also state that my good friend, Martin Prickle loves St. Patrick’s, for obvious reasons. I have included a picture of him, be sure to wish a “Happy You Day!” if you do see him on your travels. He has gold. Lots of gold.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Clurichauns - Functional Alcoholics in Society?" only on Ranting-TV…
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