But there is one more thing for this to end. We need public hangings. Ok, so we can’t string people up in Times Square, but metaphorically we can. People like rich Ruth Madoff really turn my stomach. I’m not anti-wealth (otherwise I would hate myself), but I really can’t stand when people like her try to get away clean on a technicality.
I’ve watched enough Soprano episodes to know that every mob-wife knows that her husband isn’t really “in da construction business”. If she didn’t know anything, then she would have acted very differently. Her actions speak volumes about what she may have known and what part she played in this whole Madoff mess. We know that she shared the services of Dickstein Shapiro’s Ira Sorkin. And she has $70 million dollars worth of assets in her name. And it didn’t seem to bother her that men killed themselves over loses from the ponzi scheme. She simply appears cold and very calculating.
$7 million penthouse, $45 million in muni-bonds, and $17 million in cash in a bank account. That’s what this housewife claims is hers. That’s a big fuck you, America!
I don’t care whether or not those assets were acquired with multibillion-dollar fraud or not. In the eye of the public it’s all dirty money. And they are right. It doesn’t matter how guilty they are, just hang them. I think the American people can accept the trillions of tax dollars to save the financial system, but people like the Madoffs don’t get another chance at riches. For the greater good (and to restore trust in Wall Street), they must lose it all.
You know, with the amount of damage done to the financial system, I can’t believe this hasn’t happened yet. Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t work when dealing with the rich.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "The Bold and the ButtUgly" only on Ranting-TV…
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