Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday Morning Video - Swimming!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Puss-in-Boots swims the English Channel!" only on Ranting-TV…
Friday, February 27, 2009
Breaking News – Cow Urine Cola!

Well, these guys win Johnny’s “You are my Stupid Moron of the Day” Award, due to your backward anti-western stance, but mostly for the piss-drinking. The award is actually a piece of dried cow shit. How appropriate.
Read more here…
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Holy Cow, I Can't Believe it's Not Butter!" only on Ranting-TV…
Series on Pigs - I Can Haz $10 Coffee?
Breaking News - Dancing Robot Lifts Weights!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Make your Own Pizza-Icecream Infomercial" only on Ranting-TV…
News Roundup - February 27, 2009

New Study Links Cancer To Alcohol In Women, Catholic Church finds
Feds arrest Stanford Group's CIO on Obstruction Charge; Chief Information Officer don't know nuthin'!
Denver's Rocky Mountain News Shuts Doors after 150 Years; Blames Internets
Sony (SNE) chief executive Howard Stringer will become his own president; Fathers Own Uncle
Thursday, February 26, 2009
From the Morning Desk - Shame Works!

More regulation means more bank lawyers will figure out how to skirt the law. Less regulation (well we know how that turned out). But there is a third option that a few people are talking about. It’s shame.
And it works. Don’t believe me? Well, it was shame that cancelled Citigroup’s $50 million dollar jet. Who could forget John Thain’s $1 million dollar office renovation? Thain said that he would refund Merrill out of his own pocket, after the embarrassing story became front page news. And of course, AIG was lambasted for their little $440,000 relaxation retreat. You can be sure they won’t do that again. Bank CEO's are all forgoing bonuses, as it's not worth the grief of having to publicly defend it.
But now, we seem to have one problem child. Northern Trust. Apparently, they said that they didn’t need a handout in the first place, so it was alright to spend some of it on a big party. What? That’s your response? But more importantly, if other banks sense that a more aggressive “fuck-you taxpayer” media approach works, we won’t see any more results from public shaming. It’s time for the government to step up and call Northern Trust’s bluff. Demand repayment immediately!
Of course, yesterday John Mack from Morgan Stanley announced that they would still sponsor the upcoming golf tournament (that’s fine, it’s advertising), but that they would not send any executives or big clients there, on the company dime. Good for you, John! Folks, this guy gets it. Times are changing and Morgan Stanley is adapting.
And for the first time in America, shaming appears to be working.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "The Crying Game 2 - Wall Street & Main Street" only on Ranting-TV…
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Guest Columnist - Dr. Mike's Surgery in a Jar

"Surgery in a Jar!" - A brand new product from Dr. Mike Ramps, FOS
Attention DIYers! Attention people without health insurance! Save money! Save your life!
Do you need surgery? Don't put yourself on the waiting list. Now you're at the top of the list all the time! It's your list 'cause you're the surgeon!
Perform all kinds of surgery from simple mole removal to cardiac by-pass! Why wait for a so-called "expert" when you can save your own life all by yourself!
"Surgery in a Jar!" contains step-by-step instructions and all the tools you need to perform life-saving procedures on your children, spouse, grandparents, siblings, and even yourself!
This special jar is pretty big! Open it up and find a scalpel, gauss, iodine, cough syrup, rubber gloves, and much more! Dig in and you'll even find stain-resistant (laminated) instructions for every surgery you can think of performing.
If you order within the next couple weeks or so, we'll double the offer! Receive TWO jars for the price of ONE! If you order even sooner than a couple weeks or so, you'll receive a complimentary urinary catheter!
“I used Surgery in a Jar! to perform a gastric bypass on my wife just yesterday! When I didn't think I knew what I was doing, I just looked at the instructions. I have Surgery in a Jar! to thank for my new career path! I've decided to become a mobile van surgeon just like Dr. Mike!”
-- B. Jones
“I'm embarrassed to say that I was a skeptic. After receiving a free jar full of medical supplies (my mom got one free or something) I thought it would just take up space in my bachelor pad. Just this passed week, after my internet physician diagnosed me with kidney failure, I was devastated because I have no health insurance. I decided, what the hell! Just 5 minutes ago I removed my own kidneys...but not without the help of Surgery in a Jar! I'm so excited for the future!”
-- J. Dyinsoon
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "ER" only on Ranting-TV…
About our Author: Mike Ramps, Ph.d, FOS, is a mentally-certified prairie-nutritionist and a nationally known expert on most things in general. A disturbing and unusual man, he routinely performs a wide range of surgery from the comforts of his own van and has authored many books such as: The 100 Most Effective Ways to Cook Wildlife with a Bunsen Burner, The 100 Easiest Surgeries to do on Yourself, and The Erotic Tales of Sha-boo-ka in Boobieland. Learn more about Dr. Mike and download one of his free audio courses from his website.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Creepy Killer Robot Enjoys Rubix Cube!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Terminator 5 - Monopoly Edition" only on Ranting-TV…
Series on Pigs - Three Little Pigs
Breaking News - Northern Trust Healthy?

I see, they take the money. Spend part of it. Then they turn around and say that they didn't really need it. Basically telling the taxpayers and government to fuck off. Something doesn't smell right.
This kind of bullshit really makes my blood boil. Ok, then give the money back, big shots. And do it this fucking week.
From the Morning Desk - Upgrade!

You find yourself saying things like “this time, I’m not going to install a bunch of crap all over the place”. It’s going to be different. The funny thing is, a year later, it’s slow again.
Why not store everything in my robot brain, and then download (or is it upload) it back to my PC? Let’s see, my brain is like 30 years old. It still uses punch-cards. The external interface was retrofitted in 1992 (needs some jiggling to work), requires a telnet connection to a DOS host, and uses an 81-pin serial connector. 81-pins? You don’t just head down to the radio shack for THAT connector. And of course, it uses odd parity which explains my humor.
And please, stop telling me to “upgrade” my fucking brain, whatever that means. Do you have ANY idea how dangerous and complicated brain surgery becomes when you introduce 30-year old electronics into the mix? You need to be a computer scientist and a brain surgeon. That’s just reckless.
So for now, I’ll just do things the way the rest of you do it. Store stuff on my PC, my Blackberry and online. Computing life is good again!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Computer Shamwow Infomercials" only on Ranting-TV…
Monday, February 23, 2009
Series on Pigs - Gotta Have Boots!
Guest Columnist - The Sun King

Dear Leaders and Readers: There comes a time in the history of Mankind, a turning point where everything changes. Society first progresses, goes on its merry way with its wars, poverty, diseases and the occasional Eureka, and then as Douglas Adams so aptly put it, it enters The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul.
The return of the Dark Ages is upon us all and as the historians of the future will be at a loss to pinpoint the exact cause, I, the Sun King, never humble but always helpful (After all I single-handedly ushered in the French Revolution) must say that I have found, if you will, this new Sacking of Rome, except that this time the Barbarians at the Gate are us.
The unassuming City of Hamilton, Ontario harbors our Doom. A woman there, turning her back on centuries of technological advances that finally delivered bacteria-free food and cold beer has decided to unplug her fridge. Why? You may ask. Well climate change of course. As anybody (not me, I had servants) who had to dress like an arctic explorer to put their garbage to the curb will testify Global warming Bring it on.
I know your objections. What about the cute Polar bears? Well I am not Stephen Colbert whatever he may think. I happen to love bears and I have a solution that should satisfy all. Let's round up all those bears and build huge zoos thereby providing 1000's of jobs. I too can be progressive. The bears would be happy. No more wandering for ever on the frozen banks in search of food. Fish would be delivered daily and if they became too lazy we would give free admission to recipients of the Darwin award and let nature take its course. Everybody would win.
Well that is one vision anyway. I have little hope however that it will come true. The yuppies have become the rubes. How very, very sad. It turns out, you see, that the greening of our brains that we referred too with such pride was only just rot after all. Thanks to me, the Sun King you all know better now and you too can exclaim forcefully: After us the Flood!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Darwin Awards Live Broadcast with a Special Appearence from The Jackass Copycat Troupe!" only on Ranting-TV…
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Breaking News - Cat Pwns Roomba!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Roombas who Rumba!" only on Ranting-TV…
From the Morning Desk - Cell Phones

How many times has this happened to you? You are walking down the sidewalk and here comes some clown on his cell, not paying attention at all and almost runs into you. Bewildered, he looks up, flashes a slight scowl at you and carries on? You don’t have to take it. I have created The Pedestrian Phone Right of Way Rules (PPRWR) to prevent this from happening.
There are four simple rules. When two (or more) people are walking towards each other:
1. People on hands-free headsets need to yield to non-cell phone people.
2. People talking on their cell phones need to yield to the hands-free people and non-cell phone people.
3. People texting need to yield to ALL cell phone users (except smartphones) and non-cell phone people.
4. People emailing documents, surfing or checking their calendar on their smartphones, must yield to everybody.
But Johnny, what happens if two “texters” are attempting to pass, who yields to whom? Well, that’s a little tougher question. I suppose the first person who “looks up” from their screen has the right of way. The other person must yield, for being such a dill-hole.
So the next time you see Mr. Important coming straight at you with his head buried in his tiny cell phone screen, tell him get the fuck out of your path. Because YOU have the right of way.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Rat Race 3 - Return of the Smartphones!" only on Ranting-TV…
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Series on Pigs - Let Sleeping Pigs Lie
Stop! You’re Embarrassing the Human Race - Facial Yoga!

So what is this idiotic trend that’s sweeping coast to coast? Apparently, facial yoga refers to facial exercises for stretching the muscles. Regular practice supposedly can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. There are some yoga centers in the US that now offer classes in facial yoga in order to cash in on this fad.
How do I know it’s a fad? Simple. It follows the same pattern that all short-lived fads follow. It promises the moon, requires little effort to do and brainless celebrities are already doing it. Then the herding instinct kicks in. Every local media station around the world will start doing soft news stories on it. That’s when it peaks. We will see entire nursing homes full of elderly war vets, professional baseball players and even the President of the United States doing this shit. Fucking embarrassing.
So, go ahead make stupid faces all day, piss your money away, feel all good about yourself and remember two years from now you’ll still have wrinkles, and will be just as ugly as you are today.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Blinking Your Way to a Better You!" only on Ranting-TV…
Friday, February 20, 2009
Series on Pigs - Now with more kitten!
Breaking News - Market Bottom?

Breaking News - GM Stock hits 74-Year Low

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Max Max 4 - Max Loses All His Money in the Stock Market" only on Ranting-TV…
Your World - Consumers Seen Trading Down

"Since the job layoffs at my firm hit, I’ve stopped buying umbrella shoes, from the All-things-Umbrella Boutique, and have opted to purchase the regular kind," says Mary Johnson. "Shoe shopping in this economy is harder than Chinese math."
And Bill Monroe, a former HR rep told us, "I love my DVD rewinder, but ever since I lost my job I’ve had to do it the manual way. Life fucking sucks!"
Visits to designer, snobby boutiques, where sales people won’t even talk to you, are down a whopping 0.25%, while faux teeth-diamonding clinics, semi-high-end Ferrari dealerships and other “discount” chains saw a 350% jump in sales last month alone.
Even the brown-bag lunch is experiencing a renaissance. "It looks like people are packing their own fillet mignon steak and lobster these days." says a retailing analyst. "Consumers are moving towards sensible choices."
How has the downturn affected your spending habits, viewers?
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Everyday Ferraris for Every Day" only on Ranting-TV…
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Undercover Story - Japanese Robots Kill!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Robotron vs Godzilla vs Astroboy" only on Ranting-TV…
Breaking News - Evicted!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Out, damn'd Spot!" only on Ranting-TV…
From the Morning Desk - Cheap Oil

Additionally, we know that President Obama isn’t please with the carbon-footprint of the oil sands in Alberta, Canada. And that’s going to doom anything that’s left of Alberta’s economy. Harper says that if the Americans won’t take our dirty, duck-killing Alberta oil, then you won’t get any oil, at all. Oh, yeah, tough guy? Who is the Canadian government trying to kid? The global economy is shutting down, people are using less oil and Canada already shipped its entire military (one green motorcycle, all four tanks and a duct-taped helicopter) to Afghanistan. After five long years of screwing the American consumers over with expensive, overpriced oil, the tables are turning. Beware of economy-raping clowns, Canada!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Breaking News - Cats Can Talk!
Cat: No! No! No!
Human: Wake up!
Cat: Sleep!
Human: Do you want to sleep in?
Cat: Yes!
Human: For how much longer?
Cat: Five!
Human: Just two minutes.
Cat: No!
Human: Ok
Human: How ‘bout just one minute?
Cat: More!
Human: You want to sleep more?
Cat: Please! Sleep!
Human: Ok, let’s make a deal I’ll let you sleep for a few more minutes if you continue to be cute.
Cat: Ok.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Famous Talking Ed Filibusters" only on Ranting-TV…
From the Morning Desk - Dear Leader

There should be little doubt in anybody’s mind that Kim Jong Il is a creepy little weirdo. I think it’s safe to say that the little pot belly, bird hairdo, woman’s glasses and that ugly, green homemade suit isn’t going to win him a place for Peoples Sexiest Man Alive. That's harsh... we know that looks aren’t everything, right?
Well, not exactly. You see, he lies. And I’m talking, big time. Ok, so most men lie, but there are limits. Most of the time, these are little white lies; believable ones. So, did you know that Kim Jong Il invented radial tires, holograms and the microwave? Apparently some hack-engineer, and con-artist, Percy Spencer simply ripped off Dear Leader. Sure, that sounds exactly right.
So why isn’t this guy working in a car wash, spying on women in the restroom?
He’s a dictator. It doesn’t matter that you are an ugly, out-of-shape, lying freak of nature. If you are a dictator, that trumps it all. He’s rich, gets laid all the time, likes fast cars and is a big movie buff. On his birthday, it’s North Korea’s largest holiday. And he is both worshipped and feared everywhere he goes.
Ever watch a rap video? What’s in it? Cars, bling, hundreds of women, people paying attention to the rapper, and a lot of partying EVERYWHERE the rapper goes. The rapper is the coolest guy in the whole video. Well, that’s Kim Jong Il’s life. Sucks doesn’t it?
I’m not saying that every rapper out there wants to be a dictator, that’s stupid. But what I am saying is that while we have been brought up to crave money, relationships, big homes and nice cars; other things have gotten in the way. Namely, worrying about our clothes, hair obsessions, Botox, and working out. Men and women spend so much time pissing around with their looks they fail to understand that vanity is the ultimate time waster (#2 blogging), and won't get them any further in life.
So how do you aquire this kind of power? You need money, influence and your daddy needs to already be a dictator. Ah, see there's always a catch. For the rest of us, it's hardwork and nice hair.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "10 Easy Steps for God-Like Power Infomercial" only on Ranting-TV…
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Breaking News - Cats Go Inside Coke Box!
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Drugstore CatBox" only on Ranting-TV…
Mothermarket Clown-Rapes Investors

Of course, there is always some bozo financial expert coming on TV telling people that this is an opportunity to invest. Investing in this market like playing russian roulette, with a loaded revolver, and the guy to the right of you just blew his brains all over the table. Your turn? What’s the matter? Come on! It's an opportunity... don't you see?
The market today looks absolutely wrecked. No buyers. Shorts are piling on. And everyday there’s another fraud being uncovered (today it was Stanford Financial). Nobody has any conviction or confidence anymore. And I don't blame them one bit.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Kids, Klowns, Karnivals and Kurrency" only on Ranting-TV…
Guest Columnist - Dr. Mike Ramps, FOS

10 or Less Reasons to Eat Gophers by Dr. Mike:
1. In these tough economic times, they are a plentiful and free food source.
2. Hides make great coats - need lots, but you should be eating lots.
3. They don't feel pain, just like fish - unproven, but likely.
4. Skeleton art! Need I say more?
5. Thousands, if not millions of slow-cooker recipes available out there.
6. Easily start a home-based business in gopherdermy. Sell on EBay.
7. Free pets for your children until the 'time comes'.
8. Teaches your children about how to deal with their emotions (see above). But time will tell.
9. Learn trapping and/or aiming techniques. You can never have too many skills in these tough economic times.
In these drastic economic times, we must think outside-the-box. You may have some anti-gopher-eating (A.G.E.) activists say that you 'can't to this!'.
You can tell them, 'Yes we can!'
-- UPDATE: We have just learned that Dr. Mike was attacked shortly after leaving our building by A.G.E. activists/terrorists. He is currently in his van attempting to perform life-saving surgery on himself. We wish the best of luck to you, doc!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "The Sumos vs. Surgeons Show" only on Ranting-TV…
Monday, February 16, 2009
LifeStyle - Famous White Rappers

Do any of the following names ring a bell?
Eminem, House of Pain, Beastie Boys, Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, Vanilla Ice, Slug (Atmosphere), Weird Al? Yup, he's pretty good, too.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "White Men Can't Jump or Dance" only on Ranting-TV…
Entertainment - DJ Hero Come to Me

Anyway, I have been looking forward to the DJ Hero game for a long time. As much as I enjoy playing rock songs in Guitar Hero and Rock Band, the idea of being able to DJ, scratch and mix has a lot of appeal to me. I presume that some of my childhood heros are going to make an appearance.
The CEO of Activision, Bobby Kotick, confirmed that the game will be available some time this year. Let's hope he's right. Projects of this size have a way of getting pushed back. But I think Activision realizes that if they are going to move on this, it has to be quick.
My positronic brain has confirmed that DJ Hero will be the biggest selling game title ever. Bigger than Grand Theft Auto and Halo. In fact, it's going to be a monstrously huge seller! And you can bet your ass that I'll be getting mine, as soon as it hits the shelves.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Pump up the Volume -- Now With More Christian Slater Scenes!" only on Ranting-TV…
Educational Video Training - Chinese
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "24 Hour Ping Pong" only on Ranting-TV…
From the Morning Desk - Bob Cratchit?!

Q: Who is Bob Cratchit?
Q: What are Bob’s hobbies?
Q: Why aren’t you more sensitive to Bob’s problems?
“Bob, I’m going to help you get over your fears the same way that killer clown in the park helped me! By having to DEAL WITH IT!”
“Sir, I just… need access to the… CD player… and…”
“Nonsense! I need you to fact check a story that I’m doing on a woman with eight kids. She claims that two of them look like Elvis. This could be a big story. I’ve booked the plane trip already.”
And I’ll continue to send him on trips, over and over until his fears go away. How can you say that I’m not sensitive to Bob’s mental illness?
Q: Does Bob ever threaten to quit?
Bob, you sonofabitch, I know that last question was from you! Just for that, I’m docking half a days pay. And you can be sure that on Christmas eve, you will be working ALL day! Ha Ha Ha, just messing around with you buddy, chump, friend… but not about the half-day’s pay.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Airplaney II - Down We Go!" only on Ranting-TV…
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Johnny Presents - EB Oddball
From the Desk of the CEO - Swear Jar Policy
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "The Hill Billy Parade" only on Ranting-TV…
This Just In - GTA4 Bloopers!
Hopefully, we will see more of Nico Bellic and his crazy cousin Roman! But for now we return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Killer Video Games III - The Pointy Edges" only on Ranting-TV…
Facts and Trivia - GM

1. GM isn't the largest car company, by far. It has 252,000 employees worldwide. Volkswagen has 373,400 employees, Renault/Nissan has 316,100, Toyota has 316,100, and Daimler has 272,300 employees.
2. In 2006, GM was spending close to $17 million dollars on Viagra. Is that really considered health care?
3. In 2008, GM cut its total North American work force 11.5 percent to 123,000.
4. GM workers earn $75 an hour in wages and benefits - almost triple the earnings of the average private sector worker.
5. The UAW-Ford Agreement pictured above weights around 22 lbs. I bet you think it's full of efficiency... right?
We now return you to your Sunday Afternoon Movie… "The Car!" only on Ranting-TV…
LifeStyle Section - Learn about the 1980's
The fact is that in the 1980's everybody consumed copious amounts of cocaine. Scientists and researchers now know that people got a lot more work done back then. Here's an example of how people use to talk.
To learn more about this topic, please visit the Wikipedia entry on People in the 1980's. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Old NHL Hockey Game Re-Runs from 1982" only on Ranting-TV…
From the Morning Desk - Protesters!

No you don’t. In the old days, protesting use to work because we had no way to contain or restrict you. In the old days, we had a name for large groups of outraged people. They were called mobs. And they didn’t carry signs, instead; pitchforks had a much larger impression. Today, when you have a group of wannabe hippies, part-time university students, and trendy-fake-asshats protesting, it’s a bake sale. Nobody notices.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Breaking News - Cat Loves Rat Loves Cat!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Are you Smarter than a Petrified piece of Wood?" only on Ranting-TV…
This Just In - Back from Costco!

Anyway, Mrs. BTO and myself headed out to Costco on a Saturday. It has been a while since I've ventured out to walk amongst the general public.
There are people with shopping carts EVERYWHERE at Costco. And it became painfully obvious to me why we have traffic laws in this country. If people drove their cars the same way they pushed their shopping carts it would be chaos. The unwashed masses just don't have the brainpower to figure out what to do without rules.
They would stop their cars in the middle of the freeway, drive the wrong way down one-way roads, bump into stuff constantly and generally park anywhere they want. We would end up with cars parked in the ditch, on sidewalks, inside malls and on top of the elderly. And forget about the "rule of the right" (learnt in elementary school) which states that traffic moves over to the right. And it doesn't matter that you are late for work because the oblivious couple ahead is parked sideways on the bridge scolding their stupid, brat child.
Bob Cratchit really deserves a raise for all the shitheads that he has to deal with every time I send him out to do my bidding in the world. Of course, I'm just kidding. He's lucky I didn't chuck something larger at his big fat head. That reminds me... I have to remember to doc his pay for my damaged keyboard.
Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Art Yarbochuck's Local Political Round Table Hour" only on Ranting-TV…
Breaking News - Valentine's Day Arrives

Friday, February 13, 2009
Scrabble - A Smart Person Game

Always thinking.
This is ace reporter Johnny signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… “Fartly and Lady see France” only on Ranting-TV…
Worst Week since November 2008

This week oil shit the bed. Today, we had a nice little $3 rally. What can I say. It makes sense as we have an abundance of oil and the world economy keeps slowing down. It makes sense... but damn, how low will it go? I would NOT short crude under ANY circumstances at these levels, but being long could be painful as we keep trading in a range. All bad news for commodity-rich countries.
Everybody is now aware that commercial real estate is screwed. I don't really know where that is going, but it's likely that we may see several bankruptcies in that industry.
It could be all those stupid-ass/creepy Vermont teddybear commercials playing on CNBC for Valentines Day that's pissing off the traders. Well, no matter... next week is a new week.
Disclosure: Long DXO, Short Vermont Teddy Bear Commercials/Valentines Day Bullshit
Well folks, thanks for tuning in, that’s all for now. We now return you to the Friday Night Movie… “Murderous Monkey 2 - Apes a Killin'” only on Ranting-TV…
Breaking News - Canadian Home Sales Fall 41%

Why is nobody talking about how this affects the banks? That's right folks, our Canadian banks are going to have BIG problems, as it appears that we are only at the start of this mess. These clowns have been lending massive amounts of money out for overpriced houses in Canada. And if you think American CEO's are clueless, you are about to see a whole NEW level of stupidity. We've had the opportunity to see what was going on in the states for christsake! We got a preview and yet nothing was done. The Canadian government, the Canadian people and the banks all played their part.
My positronic-brain warned me about the Canadian housing market melting down late 2007. It's incredible that people refuse to see the light (even now). Garth Turner has been warning about this for a long time now. He's doing tours, publishing books and still people think he's wrong. They couldn't be further from the truth.
Canada is going to go through the worst recession since the 1980's. That's a fact. I assure you, if haven't changed your spending habits by now life is going to get rough for you.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… “When Houses Attack Owners” only on Ranting-TV…
Oscar's Big Adventure
From the Morning Desk – All about Me.

Welcome viewer. From where I sit (drinking my $10 coffee every morning), it’s important to reflect on the fact that not everybody out there is rich, good-looking and a legendary news anchor and columnist at a prominent news network. That’s right, I’m talking about the little guy, the underdog, and you, the viewers.
Q: In your years of reporting, what was the single greatest event that changed your life?
A: During the Terry Schiavo trial (you know, the one where that guy named Terry was arrested for wanting to take his own life), we all became deeply involved on a very personal level. It was on TV and it was front-and-center on everybody’s mind. Anyway, I just returned from lunch and my assistant comes running into my marble-walled office. She slipped on the marble-floored floor and banged her head pretty badly. Tragic event. We pulled the plug that day. And I will never forget how good my lunch was… turkey roll.
A: Yes. I have a positronic super-computer 4000 brain. Superior to Data’s on Star Trek (or Star Wars)... something like that.
Q: As a robot, do you have feelings?
A: I’m not a robot. It’s just my brain. Of course I have feelings. I’m flesh-and-blood and a little antifreeze to prevent my brain from shutting down in the cold. In fact, I have a penis… so I have all the human emotions that a man can feel. Lust and Anger.
Q: Are you married, because I want to marry you!
A: I’m sorry but Johnny Newsmaker is already married to the best gal in the world! The Beautiful and Talented One (Mrs. BTO) completes Johnny, and dresses him and feeds him because the news doesn’t stop, and dammit, you the viewer deserve to know who's trying to make a quick buck off you!
Well folks, thanks for tuning in, that’s all for now. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… “Ron Paul Selling Gold on EBay Infomercial” only on Ranting-TV…
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Reporting Live - Market has a "Movement"!