Monday, April 27, 2009

Breaking News - Rich Like a Pig!

Always compassionate towards the common man, I did the honorable thing and bought stock in a drug company that manufactures a vaccine for the flu. These guys profit big time and I want a piece of the action. If all this local-radio/TV hype goes on for a while, I win. If it's the real deal and it starts to wipe out humanity, I win. Unless I'm dead from the flu.

Hmmm... Howard Hughs may have been on to something. Better start sending Crachit out to do ALL my outworldly duties. And he will not be allowed inside my office for the forseeable future. We will communicate via GoogleTalk (after I install a virus scanner). I just can't take the risk. Good, it's nice to see that my mind is still sharp. I can't afford to start slipping up now. Just can't... get... sick. Must... stay... well.

Of course, I doubt that this thing will get bigger than SARS. The whole thing sounds like bullshit to me. A whole bunch of pigshit, if you will.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "This little Piggy went to the Hospital!" only on Ranting-TV…

Education Korner - Drug Testing and You

Just a friendly reminder from the good folks at RTNN. Just say to NO to jugs of drugs! Enjoy the following video presentation.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "The Gallons and Galleons Hour" only on Ranting-TV…