"But, Johnny, protesting is important AND effective! We are making a difference! We get results!"
No you don’t. In the old days, protesting use to work because we had no way to contain or restrict you. In the old days, we had a name for large groups of outraged people. They were called mobs. And they didn’t carry signs, instead; pitchforks had a much larger impression. Today, when you have a group of wannabe hippies, part-time university students, and trendy-fake-asshats protesting, it’s a bake sale. Nobody notices.
"But, Johnny, we have the media and Internet on our side!"
Oh really? Listen, nobody cares about you or your shitty cause. Besides there are millions of blogs (but only one RTNN) and the thousands channels of local TV, who really sits up and takes notice? There’s no impact. Your message is lost.
When RTNN builds new headquarters, you can be sure that we will fence off a really nice part of the swamp so protesters can have a place to express their views. Watch out for the crocodiles.
Thanks for tuning in folks! This is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Too Many Ostriches" only on Ranting-TV…
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