Wednesday, May 6, 2009

From the Morning Desk - Canada!

Europeans banned seal imports from Canada. The US hasn't allowed imports since 1972. Why a first-world country, like Canada, wants to be associated with seal hunting is beyond me.

If you are a sealer, and you need to hunt to support your family, it's time to wise up to the fact that the world doesn't want your product anymore. Deal with it. Go work in a car wash or a slaughter plant or a fast-food restaurant. The majority of the world hate your guts, so quit trying to play the sympathy card, OK? Quit talking about how clubbing seals is part of your culture and shit. Try showing your kids the value of education, adaptation and innovation.

150 years ago, Canadians use to trap beavers to make felt hats. But eventually moved away from that to become a modern country... well sort of. If the politicians weren't so chickenshit and afraid of the pro-sealing lobbyists, Canada would have been out of this nonsense decades ago.

Folks, this is Johnny Newsmaker signing off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… "Culture or Lack of It?" only on Ranting-TV…

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